Saturday, February 14, 2009

Rabbit Popularity as Decoration Animal

As a decoration animal, rabbit begins interested by many hobbies since year 2003. Several pet shop around Jakarta sell various rabbit kind begins from child up to rabbit mother with various kind, majority at sell are kind Angora, Dwarf, Lyon, Dutch, etc, at the price of varies that is range from Rp.150.000 until Rp.200.000 per one rabbit. Rabbit kind that exists in Indonesia; the purity likely cannot be guaranteed. Because of that, for kinds that has special characteristic, as does Lop kind rather difficult to got. Special characteristic from Lop rabbit is the ears that hang downwards. Special characteristic makes generation unequal like the lop rabbit mother. Even less if the mother of rabbit married off with the other kind, that's why this type of difficult got, consequence the price even also expensive, that is between Rp.200.000 until Rp.300.000 per rabbit. Rabbit prestige as decoration animal begins popular since several contests. For example Casquette rabbit, conducted at Kaninchen at one of the famous mall at Bogor, West Java, February 2005, Animal Research Department Ciawi at Lembang, Bandung, beginning October 2005. Decoration rabbit prospect more bloom especially for effort opportunity.

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