Friday, February 27, 2009

9 Common Rabbit Myth

Myth 1: Rabbits are great, low-maintenance starter pets.
Reality: Although they don’t need to be walked like dogs, rabbits are anything but low-maintenance. Their quarters need daily cleaning, and fresh food and water must be offered daily, including a salad of well-washed, dark-green leafy vegetables. Certain rabbit health problems can become chronic and can require regular (and sometimes expensive) veterinary treatment. To complicate the picture, veterinarians skilled in rabbit medicine are often hard to find.

Myth 2: Rabbits only live a year or two, so no long commitment is necessary.
Reality: Well cared-for indoor rabbits can live 7-10 years, and some live into their teens.
This is approximately the same life span as some breeds of dogs, and requires the same long-term commitment.

Myth 3: Rabbits do not need veterinary care the way dogs and cats do.
Reality: Although rabbits in the USA do not require annual vaccinations, nevertheless, regular veterinary checkups help to detect small problems before they become big ones. Companion rabbits should be spayed/neutered by veterinarians experienced in rabbit surgery. This not only reduces hormone-driven behaviors such as lunging, mounting, spraying, and boxing, but also protects females from the risk of uterine cancer, the incidence of which can exceed 50% as rabbits grow older.

Myth 4: Rabbits are happiest outdoors in a backyard hutch.
Reality: Rabbits kept outdoors in hutches are often forgotten and neglected once the initial novelty wears off. Far too frequently, they are relegated to a life of "solitary confinement" and are subject to extremes of weather, as well as to diseases spread by fleas, ticks, flies, and mosquitoes all of which can adversely affect their health and their life span. They can die of heart attacks from the very approach of a predator – even if the rabbit is not attacked or bitten. Rabbits are gregarious creatures who enjoy social contact with their human caretakers. The easiest way to provide social stimulation for a companion rabbit is to house him indoors, as a member of the family.

Myth 5: Rabbits are rather dirty, and have a strong odor.
Reality: Rabbits are immaculately clean, and, once they have matured and are spayed/ neutered, they go to great lengths not to soil their living quarters. They will readily use a litter box, and if the box is cleaned or changed daily, there is no offensive odor

Myth 6: Rabbits love to be picked up and cuddled, and do not scratch or bite.
Reality: Although some rabbits tolerate handling quite well, many do not like to be picked up and carried. If rabbits are mishandled they will learn to nip to protect themselves. If they feel insecure when carried they may scratch to get down. Unspayed/ unneutered rabbits often exhibit territorial behavior such as "boxing" or nipping when their territory is "invaded" by the owner.

Myth 7: Rabbits – especially dwarf breeds – do not require much living space.
Reality: Rabbits have powerful hind legs designed for running and jumping. They need living space that will permit them ample freedom of movement even when they are confined. Dwarf rabbits tend to be more active and energetic than some larger breeds, and require relatively more space.

Myth 8: Rabbits can be left alone for a day or two when owners travel.
Reality: Rabbits need daily monitoring. Problems that are relatively minor in some species (e.g. a day or two of anorexia) may be life-threatening in rabbits, and may require immediate veterinary attention.

Myth 9: Rabbits do fine with a bowl of rabbit food and some daily carrots.
Reality: The single most important component of a rabbit’s diet is grass hay, which should be provided, free choice, daily. Rabbit pellets should be given only in very limited quantities.

  1. Mary E. Cotter, 2002,

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Harvest and after rabbit harvest

Harvest rabbit
Principal result
Rabbit principal result is rabbit meat and rabbit feather.

Addition rabbit result
Addition rabbit result shaped rabbit dirt for fertilizer.

Rabbit catching
Then necessary paid manner holds rabbit should true so that rabbit not painfulness.

After rabbit harvest
Stopping rabbit eat
Do not give the rabbit a food between 6-10 clock before the rabbit is cut to empty intestines. Gift drinks permanent.

Rabbit dismemberment
Rabbit dismemberment can do with 3 ways:
  1. Foreword licking, rabbit is strike with blunt thing in head and moment comma slaughtered.
  2. Neck bone fracture, broken with pulling in neck bone. This manner unfavorable.
  3. Dismemberment usually, it likes to cut livestock other.

Carried out to begin from hind foot up at head with rabbit position is hanged.

Innards expenditure
Stomach skin from navel to tail then innards likes intestines, heart and lung is tacked. Necessary be paid to contain urine don't until broken because can influence crabbed quality.

Crabbed dismemberment
Rabbit is cut to so 8 parts, 2 pieces of foreleg, 2 pieces of hind foot, 2 pieces of breast part and 2 pieces of backside. Percentage crabbed good 49-52%.

Opportunity description rabbit agribusiness
Nutrient enhanced movement that proclaimed government especially that come from animal protein till now still not yet fulfilled. Our meat need stills many filled from import. Superiority that rabbit in the fast bloom, tall meat quality, easy maintenance and the low production cost makes this livestock very potential to is developed. Even less supported with market request and also feather enough tall.

  1. Anonymous, 1986, Pemeliharaan Kelinci dan Burung Puyuh, Yasaguna, Jakarta.
  2. Kartadisastra. HR, 1995, Beternak Kelinci Unggul, Kanisius, Yogyakarta.
  3. Sarwono. B, 1985, Beternak Kelinci Unggul, Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.
  4. Yunus. M dan Minarti. S, 1990, Aneka Ternak, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.

Contact Information:
  1. Proyek Pengembangan Ekonomi Masyarakat Pedesaan – BAPPENAS Jl.Sunda Kelapa No. 7 Jakarta, Tel. 021 390 9829 , Fax. 021 390 9829
  2. Kantor Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi, Deputi Bidang Pendayagunaan dan Pemasyarakatan Iptek, Gedung II BPPT Lantai 6, Jl. M.H.Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta 10340, Indonesia, Tel. +62 21 316 9166~69, Fax. +62 21 310 1952, Situs Web:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pest And Rabbit Disease

Boil Rata PenuhCause: the happening of dirty blood collecting in skin.
Control: surgery and dirty blood expenditure furthermore is given jodium.

Cause: darcoptes scabiei.
Phenomenon: marked with ulceration at body.
Control: with ointment antibiotic.

Cause: dirt sticking at skin.
Control: use ointment/powder salicyl.

Ear disease
Cause: flea.
Control: dribble vegetable oil.

Head skin disease
Cause: mushroom.
Phenomenon: emerge a kind of scales in head.
Control: with sulphur powder.

Eye disease
Cause: bacteria and dust.
Phenomenon: wet eye and have water then.
Control: with eye ointment.

Cause: secretory milk a little/not can out.
Phenomenon: putting ossify and hot when held.
Control: without wean child too sudden.

Cause: virus.
Phenomenon: have water nose then.
Control: spraying antiseptik in nose.

Cause: bacteria pasteurella multocida.
Phenomenon: narrow breath, eye and ear kebiruan.
Control: given to drink sul-q-nox.

Defecate blood
Cause: protozoa eimeira.
Phenomenon: desire eats to lost thin body stomach expands and blood diarrhoea.
Control: given to drink sulfaquinxalin dose 12 ml in 1-liter water.

Pest in rabbit usually is a predator from doggish rabbit.

In general prevention and pest and disease control and disease is done with watch over stable environment cleanliness, appropriate woof gift and fulfill nutrient and evasion as soon as may be ill livestock.

  1. Anonymous, 1986, Pemeliharaan Kelinci dan Burung Puyuh, Yasaguna, Jakarta.
  2. Kartadisastra. HR, 1995, Beternak Kelinci Unggul, Kanisius, Yogyakarta.
  3. Sarwono. B, 1985, Beternak Kelinci Unggul, Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.
  4. Yunus. M dan Minarti. S, 1990, Aneka Ternak, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.

Contact Information:
  1. Proyek Pengembangan Ekonomi Masyarakat Pedesaan – BAPPENAS Jl.Sunda Kelapa No. 7 Jakarta, Tel. 021 390 9829 , Fax. 021 390 9829
  2. Kantor Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi, Deputi Bidang Pendayagunaan dan Pemasyarakatan Iptek, Gedung II BPPT Lantai 6, Jl. M.H.Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta 10340, Indonesia, Tel. +62 21 316 9166~69, Fax. +62 21 310 1952, Situs Web:

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rabbit Breeding Technical Reference

Necessary to notice in rabbit breeding is location preparation, stable maker, rabbit preparation and woof preparation.

Tool and equipment preparation
Stable function as place to develop luxuriantly with ideal temperature 21 degrees c, fluent air circulation, long ideal illumination 12 hour and protect rabbit from predators. Follow use, rabbit hutch is discriminated to be mother stable. For adult mother/rabbit or mother and the children, male stable, special for stud of the size bigger and free child stable weans. To avoid group beginning marriage is done separation between male and female. Stable measures 200x70x70 cm tall covering 50 cm last for 12 tail female/10 male tails. Child stable is (box) size 50x30x45 cm.

Follow its for rabbit hutch is divided to be:
System stable postal, without yard, lay in room and suited for young rabbit.
System stable ranch; equipped with yard.
Stable battery; resemble in line cage where one cage to one rabbit with construction Flatdech Battery (in a row), Tier Battery (high rise), Pyramidal Battery (compile pyramid).

Stable equipment that need woof place and drink that unbreakable and easy cleaned:

Cultivation of seedlings
For livestock condition is depending from rabbit maintenance principal aim. For feather kind so kind Angora, American Chinchilla and Rex be livestock that fit. For meat so kind Belgian, Californian, Flemish Giant, Havana, Himalayan and New Zealand be livestock that fit to maintained.

Rabbit election and mother candidate
When does husbandry aim for meat, chosen body heavy rabbit kind and tall with good flesh, while for clear feather chooses potential that seeds genetic good feather growth. According to specific to both must has character fertilities tall, not easy nervous, not defect, clean eye and cared, feather not dull, nimble/mobile move.

Rabbit treatment and mother candidate
Rabbit treatment determines good mother quality also, therefore principal treatment necessary attention woof gift enough, arrangement and good stable sanitation with prevents stable from disturbance outside.

Breeding system
To get breed better and defend character specific so breeding is divided in 3 categories that is:
  1. In breeding (cross in), to defend and signalize feather for example specific character, meat proportion.
  2. Cross breeding (cross outside), to get breed more superior characters good/increase.
  3. Pure line breeding (cross between rabbit), to get new kind supposed has appearance that is blend 2 seed superiorities.

Reproduction and marriage
Female rabbit soon is married off when achieve adult in age 5 months (female and male). When under age disturbed well-being and tall child mortality. When is stud first time marry, best marry femalely that ever yean. Time marries morning/afternoon day at stud stable and let up to happen 2 marriage times, afterwards stud is separated.

Birth process
After rabbit marriage will experience pregnant during 30-32 day. Pregnant in rabbit can be detected with feel female rabbit stomach 12-14 day after marriage, when to grope there is globule mean to happen pregnant. Five days approach birth mother move to stable yeans to give a chance to prepare warmer by falling the feather. Birth rabbit often happen nighttime with weak child condition, closed eye and not hairy. Child total that give to vary around 6-10 rabbit.


Sanitation and action preventive
Maintenance place is carried on always dry so that doesn't so breeding place of disease. Moist place and wet causes cold easy rabbit and attacked skin disease.

Disease controlling
Rabbit that attacked disease usually has weary phenomenon, desire eats to go down, body temperature rises and droopy eye. When does rabbit show this matter soon quarantines and thing dirtied also soon remove to prevent disease epidemic.

Livestock treatment
Weaned leveret is done after age 7-8 week. Child wean lay stable aloof with contents 2-3 tail/stable and provided woof enough and have a certain quality. Separation based on sex necessary to prevent adult too early. Castrated can be done moment approach adult. Usually done in male rabbit with throws away testis.

Woof gift
Woof kind that given to green grass cover field grass, bulrush, vegetable covers cabbage, mustard green, frog, bean leaf, leaf turi and string bean leaf, lasing cereals/woof covers corn, green peanut, rice, peanut, sorghum, bran and cake of pressed peanut. to fulfill this woof necessary addition woof shaped concentrate that can be bought at livestock woof store. Woof and drink given morning day around 10 o’clock. Rabbit is given bran woof that mixed a little water. 13 o’clock given grass a little/sufficient and blow 18.00 grasses is given in number more many. Drinking water at stable gift necessary to provided the body liquid need.

Stable maintenance
Stable floor/covering, woof place and drink, woof remainder and rabbit dirt every day must be cleaned to avoid incidence disease. Sunshine morning must step into stable to kill disease seed. Stable wall is painted with lime/tar. Stable former ill rabbit is cleaned with kreolin / lysol.

  1. Anonymous, 1986, Pemeliharaan Kelinci dan Burung Puyuh, Yasaguna, Jakarta.
  2. Kartadisastra. HR, 1995, Beternak Kelinci Unggul, Kanisius, Yogyakarta.
  3. Sarwono. B, 1985, Beternak Kelinci Unggul, Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.
  4. Yunus. M dan Minarti. S, 1990, Aneka Ternak, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.

Contact Information:
  1. Proyek Pengembangan Ekonomi Masyarakat Pedesaan – BAPPENAS Jl.Sunda Kelapa No. 7 Jakarta, Tel. 021 390 9829 , Fax. 021 390 9829
  2. Kantor Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi, Deputi Bidang Pendayagunaan dan Pemasyarakatan Iptek, Gedung II BPPT Lantai 6, Jl. M.H.Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta 10340, Indonesia, Tel. +62 21 316 9166~69, Fax. +62 21 310 1952, Situs Web:

Friday, February 20, 2009

Rabbit Livestock Cultivation - 1

History of rabbit
This livestock is at first wild animal difficult is tamed. Rabbit is tamed since 2000 year ago as a mean to beauty, and upon which food and as effort animal. Almost every country at has rabbit livestock because has tall relative body adaptation power so that can alive at almost whole world. Rabbit is developed at region with tall relative citizen population, also evoke different term, at Europe is called rabbit, Indonesia is called rabbit, java is called trewelu and as it.

Rabbit kind
Follow binominal system, rabbit nation classifieds as follows:
  1. Order: lagomorpha
  2. Kin: leporidae
  3. Sub kin: leporine
  4. Genus: lepus, orictolagus
  5. Species: lepus spp. , orictolagus spp.

Kind general breeding is American Chinchilla, Angora, Belgian, Californian, Dutch, English Spot, Flemish giant, Havana, Himalayan, New Zealand red, white and black, Rex America. Local rabbit actually has come from Europe that mixes with kind other up to difficult identified again. Kind New Zealand white and Californian very good to meat production, while angora good to feather.

Rabbit benefit
Benefit that taken from rabbit feather and meat till now begins in great demand at market. Besides of that can be use for fertilizer, industry and livestock woof.

Location rules
Near water source, far from place of residence, free smoke disturbance, odors, clunk and protected from predators.

  1. Anonymous, 1986, Pemeliharaan Kelinci dan Burung Puyuh, Yasaguna, Jakarta.
  2. Kartadisastra. HR, 1995, Beternak Kelinci Unggul, Kanisius, Yogyakarta.
  3. Sarwono. B, 1985, Beternak Kelinci Unggul, Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.
  4. Yunus. M dan Minarti. S, 1990, Aneka Ternak, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.

Contact Information:
  1. Proyek Pengembangan Ekonomi Masyarakat Pedesaan – BAPPENAS Jl.Sunda Kelapa No. 7 Jakarta, Tel. 021 390 9829 , Fax. 021 390 9829
  2. Kantor Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi, Deputi Bidang Pendayagunaan dan Pemasyarakatan Iptek, Gedung II BPPT Lantai 6, Jl. M.H.Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta 10340, Indonesia, Tel. +62 21 316 9166~69, Fax. +62 21 310 1952, Situs Web:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world. Rabbit often association with Easter. Scarf rabbit also is mascot from magazine playboy. There are seven different genera in the family classified as rabbits, including the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), Cottontail rabbit (genus Sylvilagus; 13 species), and the Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi, endangered species on Amami Ōshima, Japan). There are many other species of rabbit, and these, along with pikas and hares, make up the order Lagomorpha.


Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus)

Scientific classification
  1. Kingdom: Animalia
  2. Phylum: Chordata
  3. Class: Mammalia
  4. Order: Lagomorpha
  5. Family: Leporidae

  1. Pentalagus
  2. Bunolagus
  3. Nesolagus
  4. Romerolagus
  5. Brachylagus
  6. Sylvilagus
  7. Oryctolagus
  8. Poelagus


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rabbit Likes a Quiet Place

As a animal alive being, the rabbit has a characteristic and unique character, each characteristic and rabbit character must be understood and study beforehand so that breeding is easy. In basically rabbit likes to choose food and able hold back hungry, if woof is given not at take a fancy to. Woof total that given to depending temperature in environment, place very cool very stimulate rabbit to many eat. This conditon causess metabolism degree enhanced. Temporary stable location enough hot stimulate rabbit to many drink than eat. Beside of that, habit eats to influenced manner life. If several rabbits is laided in one stable, so will happen rivalry will deliver rabbit, weak usually malnutrition so that rabbit is thin. Besides, once in a while rabbit loves to eat sweet grassy field and there also that like grassy field a little bitte. Aged rabbit under 4 months may be maintained in one tail in one stables. After adult, begin the adult activities emerges, like to want to marry or married. Will so adult rabbit will be seen to like will fight when if stable contents will consist of several studs, consequence will be happen fight and at the end evoke death. Environment condition around stable very influence in rabbit, in rabbit cool weather will be seen mobileer and desire so it even also very increase, but if rabbit at take care in place goodly will happen respiration enhanced in rabbit will pass lungs so that respiration quicker. In temperature 31'c, easy rabbit experiences lung ill. Therefore, size and construction stable so central important in regulate the body temperature. At free nature, rabbit usually like to dig hole as hideaway and place shelters from hot, rain, and wind.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Easy Way to Communicates with Rabbit

Rabbit has manner aloof to communicating, rabbit can communicate with the owner pass opinion, sense of hearing and smell. Rabbit knows to whoever that shack up with us even rabbit even also know to who the owner, he has instinct or feeling soft. Has also tall adaptation power, has wild character, egoist, and spoiled. In character cannot be guessed, sometimes easy-going and sometimes tame, this character many people more like towards rabbits. In basically rabbit is multi function animal, and very spoiled that want affection, but be careful when you hold or to carry on, when does rabbit felt less pleasant moment we carry, so he will struggle with the foot kick. Rabbit really noiseless but scream if rabbit felts jam in or painfulness, rabbit will scream within reason will like painfulness person. When rabbit scream, all other rabbits at around even also startled and come along to scream and all kick the foot to stable floor to will mark that them will felt threatened and around there is danger. If all rabbits felts startled, scream, and kick the foot, we can come down by slow tune pass body language or hint, so that rabbit hears hint voice from mouth the owner, so that rabbit understand that sign language so we can do it with practice gradually and continuously, for that pour affection for your pet animal.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Rabbit Popularity as Decoration Animal

As a decoration animal, rabbit begins interested by many hobbies since year 2003. Several pet shop around Jakarta sell various rabbit kind begins from child up to rabbit mother with various kind, majority at sell are kind Angora, Dwarf, Lyon, Dutch, etc, at the price of varies that is range from Rp.150.000 until Rp.200.000 per one rabbit. Rabbit kind that exists in Indonesia; the purity likely cannot be guaranteed. Because of that, for kinds that has special characteristic, as does Lop kind rather difficult to got. Special characteristic from Lop rabbit is the ears that hang downwards. Special characteristic makes generation unequal like the lop rabbit mother. Even less if the mother of rabbit married off with the other kind, that's why this type of difficult got, consequence the price even also expensive, that is between Rp.200.000 until Rp.300.000 per rabbit. Rabbit prestige as decoration animal begins popular since several contests. For example Casquette rabbit, conducted at Kaninchen at one of the famous mall at Bogor, West Java, February 2005, Animal Research Department Ciawi at Lembang, Bandung, beginning October 2005. Decoration rabbit prospect more bloom especially for effort opportunity.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Lembang is Rabbit Tradesman Central

In Indonesia, usually rabbit is maintained just for at take a meat, majority rabbit ranched come from local kind that is, Trewulu and New Zealand. New Zealand white hairy and weight can achieve 3 - 5 kg/tails, if maintained intensively besides to at consumption self, rabbit can also be sold for family income increase.

Decoration rabbit less popular among general society, only at certain region rabbit both merely ranch as rabbit but also as for example decoration rabbit at region Lembang (Bandung), Puncak (Bogor), Lawu (East Java) and others. If you pass by region Lembang-Bandung, so appear rabbit tradesman in a row alongside road from Ledeng up to will aim to Lembang. They are both merely sell decoration rabbit to maintained but also sell result cooked food rabbit meat for example, rabbit soup, soto rabbit and sate rabbit. If you interested to taste it, so sate rabbit can be special menu, you enough grope pocket Rp. 15.000, -/portions, purchase can eat one portions sate for stodgy stomach and warm up body, besides also well for cure asthma disease. Based on watchfulness result, rabbit meat contains compound kitofetin that functioned to stabilize cell membrane mestosit that can causes out of breath. For high blood pressure sufferer and gout, very good eating rabbit meat because degree cholesterol low.

decoration rabbit tradesman’s generally sell leveret that still aged three weeks in this age is rabbit figure really very funny so that interesting attention especially children, but, this be fatal error, because in age 3 rabbit weeks not yet ready at wean. This matter can at see when woof that given them not they eat. in the end many leveret after bought obvious only survive few days, so that a part society considers that take care that rabbit is difficult because easy die.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rabbit History

Formerly rabbit is wild animal alive at Africa area north until Europe, from place scattered to Australian, New Zealand, and island at pacific and Atlantic. This rabbit experiences domestic and be pet animal or livestock. Now fame rabbit widespread in the entire world. Rabbit as pet animal passes selection and breeding, pet rabbit has produced variety, type and size diverse. Society interest to rabbit even also more increase, various form and size is Favorite for the caretaker. This livestock is at first wild animal difficult is tamed. Rabbit is tamed since 2000 year ago with a purpose to beauty, foodstuff and as effort animal. Almost every country at has rabbit livestock because has tall relative body adaptation power so that can alive at almost whole world. Rabbit is developed at region with population tall relative citizen, also evoke different term, at Europe is called rabbit, Indonesia is called rabbit, java is called trewelu and as it.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rabbit (zodiac)

The rabbit or hare is the fourth animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac. According to traditional Chinese astrology, the Rabbit is quiet, reserved, retrospective, thoughtful and lucky. The Year of the Rabbit is associated with the earthly branch symbol. In the related Vietnamese zodiac, the cat takes the place of the rabbit.

Years and the Five Elements
Persons born within these date ranges can be said to have been born in the "year of the Rabbit," while also bearing the following elemental sign:
29 January 1903 - 15 February 1904: Water Rabbit
14 February 1915 - 2 February 1916: Wood Rabbit
2 February 1927 - 22 January 1928: Fire Rabbit
19 February 1939 - 7 February 1940: Earth Rabbit
6 February 1951 - 26 January 1952: Metal Rabbit
25 January 1963 - 12 February 1964: Water Rabbit
11 February 1975 - 30 January 1976: Wood Rabbit
29 January 1987 - 16 February 1988: Fire Rabbit
16 February 1999 - 4 February 2000: Earth Rabbit
3 February 2011 - 22 January 2012: Metal Rabbit
2023 - 2024: Water Rabbit
2035 - 2036: Wood Rabbit
2047 - 2048: Fire Rabbit


Those following traditional Chinese astrology consider people born in the Year of the Rabbit to make ideal diplomats or politicians. In Chinese astrological thought, a "rabbit person" is graceful, cultured and well mannered. Although Rabbit people get along well with many people, at heart they are considered to be basically reserved creatures, and are only truly happy when engrossed in some sort of scholarly or intellectual activity. Rabbit people are considered too sensitive for the world around them; they are not able to thrive in competitive or aggressive environments, and are anxious when others force them to take risks. Their inner world is considered too delicate for unsettled or unpredictable situations, and they tend to create peaceful and comfortable atmospheres--like rabbit dens--instinctively. According to traditional Chinese astrology, this characteristic makes them very hospitable and attentive people, who take care of those around them.

The average Rabbit person emphasizes the importance of small details. They pay attention to everything from color, design and furniture to food and conversation. And only when they are sure that everything has been arranged as they wish can these people relax and have fun.

People born in the year of the Rabbit often lead a conservative lifestyle where one of the most important things is their security. This quality also has a negative side: opting for safety over risk, they may miss good opportunities. These people are not frivolous or irresponsible, for when they truly believe in something, they are serious, persevering and capable.

Calm as they are, it is not easy to provoke Rabbit people. They are sentimental and compassionate. They can be moved by the personal problems you share with them.
Traditional Rabbit Attributes/Associations.

  1. Zodiac Location: 4th
  2. Ruling hours: 5 am – 7 am
  3. Direction: East
  4. Season and Month: Spring, March
  5. Gemstone: Pearl
  6. Color: Green, Peach
  7. Roughly equivalent western sign: Pisces
  8. Polarity: Yin
  9. Positive Traits: Sensitive, tacticful, well mannered, hospitable, modest, diplomatic, uncomplicated.
  10. Negative Traits: Indecisive, gossipy, unintelligent, naïve, timid, gullible, hypochondriacally, superficial.
  11. Countries: Oman, Iraq, Malaysia, Croatia, Chile, Syria

  2. "Question # 16 : Cat and Rabbit". "Master Rao's Astrology Center" at Retrieved on 2007-06-02. "for some "Chinese-inspired" peoples in Southeast Asia, especially the Vietnamese, the Rabbit is replaced by the Cat"
  3. Dror Poleg. "Chinese Astrology - Chinese Zodiac Symbols". Retrieved on 2007-06-02. "For example, the Vietnamese zodiac is identical to Chinese zodiac except the fourth animal is the cat not the rabbit"

Speciality and Rabbit Use

Many people interested in rabbit and will want to try to breed but is not easy for a beginner, to breed rabbit really difficult nor easy, to take care rabbit is need special know-how, attention, energy and time sacrifice, all so central important in care rabbit. Rabbit is special animal, besides maintained to merely hobby, also can eat the meat for food completion, and taken the feather for industry ingredient, even made coat maker ingredient or jacket. Besides of that can also be made for effort opportunity, with sell the child, or seed or the mother. Besides pretty the figure and whittle face very funny and cute, so that make many people interested to have it. Besides of that the rabbit can also competition figure in contest arena. In the world of rabbit pharmacy often used upon which watchfulness, so that appear effort rabbit term.

Tranlated to English, Kelinci Hias, Penebar Swadaya.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Start Rabbit Ranch Again

Around 2003 after previous experience failed in rabbit ranch, I begin interested rabbit ranch again after invited by friend to one of the famous rabbit husbandry and big, that is property Kang Dodo Rabbit, Teropong Bintang street. Kang Dodo is the professional ranchers and experienced of rabbit during tens year. At his rabbit ranch the total rabbit is a lot and the kind highly varied from local rabbit until import rabbit, from cheapest until expensive. When does that's I know obvious rabbit kind a lot of variants. After ask many question about rabbit and see direct collection rabbit kinds Kang Dodo, finally I buy 3 age leveret 2 months, angora English kind, 1 male 2 female, at the price of per tail Rp.45.000. I choose angora English because Kang Dodo said this kind is superior’s kind from other rabbit kind. Finally with 3 leveret, I elaborate to return rabbit ranch while many learn from Kang Dodo about treatment, woof gift, woof kind, form, size and stable maker, disease kinds, prevention and therapy, etc. Finally appropriate walk it time, with patience and willpower that be hard work morality and oomph, step by step my rabbit multiplies, the total increases many with collection that from various rabbit kind.

Friday, February 6, 2009

My first failure in ranched rabbit

My joy doesn't go on long, because I am beginner in ranched rabbit so that not yet understand how to ranched rabbit with good and minim experience in ranched rabbit, so I often experience failure, for example often happen death in bew leveret born. Besides that ever happen in a moment rabbit mother is attacked scabies disease or Indonesian people usually called it budug disease. At that time I am do not know how to cures this type of disease, but my uncle informs me to cure it by traditional herbal that is with mixture a little kerosene and tobacco water, then dabbed in part that hitted scabies. After one week the result appear, my rabbit recovers and health. Ever in a moment I felt confused, because at the time of I give woof that is fresh grassy field shaped grass balakaciut and sintrong that be food a day the day, my rabbit strange flightiest, the behavior differ from usually. Then I ask again to my uncle about this phenomena, my uncle said that the rabbit is experiencing passion time. Then I marry them with male rabbit so that pregnant and breed again. I shall feel glad because my rabbit will increase many. But after waited several weeks rabbit mother that married off and in a period of pregnant not also give birth to. As usual I ask again to my uncle, follow observation and experience my uncle obvious rabbit mother not in a period of pregnant although married off because the age the female mother overage, then I have intended to sell rabbit mother with reason improper to breed. The misfortune again not yet rabbit mother I sell, my entire rabbits finished stolen by thief. From there I felt angry, peevish, disappointed and desperate, so that I am not ranched rabbit again.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First time I am ranched a rabbit

First time I am ranched a rabbit

My name is ucup rabbit, I am just ordinary people, nobody from nowhere, and I live in rural district. I am called ucup rabbit because my friends call it so because my hobby is rabbit and I rabbit rancher sometimes they called me a rabbit boy. Before I am interested to ranch a rabbit, I’m a cowboy. Up to my uncle to the elder brother house invites at one time me. At my uncle elder brother home, in front of the house, I see rabbit hutch with so many rabbit and the rabbit kind collection varies, so I start begin interested to try ranch. Before go home I am give three female mother rabbit seeds eight months age and all 3 weeks pregnant condition. After from my uncle elder brother home, because I am not yet has rabbit hutch and not yet know how to makes it, I buy rabbit hutch at the price of Rp.10.000, from a rabbit ranchers that bankrupt. For preparation births leveret, I prepare nest from wood box of the size 40 cm x 40 cm and in it given dry grassy field. One-week then third rabbit mother give birth to, every mother gives 5 until 6 leveret with color type that. I’m very happy.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Welcome to My Blog

Welcome to my blog, this is my first blog, all about rabbit, everybody call me Ucup Rabbit, coz I’m the real Rabbit Boy.